Swift ARC vs MRC, and Retain cycle (+ weak,unowned)
We have heard many times about memory leak issues, but it is hard to understand 100%.
Swift ReactorKit Example, Let us study the flow of Reactor
I often have heard that ReactorKit usefully give structure of RxSwift.
[릴리쿰 스테이지] 암호가 일치하지 않습니다 - 생활코딩 이고잉님 강의
회사에서 암호화, 복호화 관련해서 어떤 식으로 해야할지 지식이 전무해서 갈증이 있었다. 조만간 공인인증서도 넣어야하니 말이다.. PM님께서 공유를 해주셔서 신청하여 가게 되었다.
Swift Multi-Threading, Example based Understanding GCD (Grand Central Dispatch)
In Swift, Grand Central Dispatch API (GCD) sopports thread programming.
Swift Async Programming @escaping closure, and Completion handler
When I use HTTP connection for login system , I should catch the end point of getting data.