Simple way to use fastlane for your iOS project.

There are many things to consider for reducing deployment time.

[18:55:36]: Created new folder ‘./fastlane’. [18:55:36]: Detected an iOS/macOS project in the current directory: ‘GitToday.xcworkspace’ [18:55:36]: —————————– [18:55:36]: — Welcome to fastlane 🚀 — [18:55:36]: —————————– [18:55:36]: fastlane can help you with all kinds of automation for your mobile app [18:55:36]: We recommend automating one task first, and then gradually automating more over time [18:55:36]: What would you like to use fastlane for? [18:56:39]: ——————————– [18:56:39]: — Login with your Apple ID — [18:56:39]: ——————————– [18:56:39]: To use App Store Connect and Apple Developer Portal features as part of fastlane, [18:56:39]: we will ask you for your Apple ID username and password [18:56:39]: This is necessary for certain fastlane features, for example: [18:56:39]: [18:56:39]: - Create and manage your provisioning profiles on the Developer Portal [18:56:39]: - Upload and manage TestFlight and App Store builds on App Store Connect [18:56:39]: - Manage your App Store Connect app metadata and screenshots [18:56:39]: [18:56:39]: Your Apple ID credentials will only be stored in your Keychain, on your local machine [18:56:39]: For more information, check out [18:56:39]: [18:56:39]: [18:56:39]: Please enter your Apple ID developer credentials [18:56:39]: Apple ID Username:

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